JavaScript Projects

Project 1: Todo List Web Application

Description: This was my first project working with JavaScript and React. It helped me understand the basics of state management and component-based architecture. I followed a tutorial but added my own features to enhance the functionality.

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Project 2: Fan controller

Description: This project demonstrates a fan animation using JavaScript and CSS. Users can control the speed of the fan's rotation with buttons for different speed settings, including Slow, Medium, Fast, Super Fast, and Turbo. The project showcases the use of JavaScript for DOM manipulation and CSS animations.

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Project 3: Cookie Clicker Clone

This project is a clicker game built with React, showcasing the use of state management with useState hooks. It demonstrates key React concepts such as dynamic updates to the user interface and interactive elements, allowing players to earn points through clicks. The project emphasizes React's ability to efficiently manage and update application state in real-time.

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